👋 Hi there!

My name is Maarten and people call me an internship expert. I wrote books on the subject and give keynotes, lots of ‘em. I have a bachelor in Human Resources Management, a Masters degree in Military History and I am currently self-employed. I train and consult teams and boardrooms on the opportunities of internships, Generations on the workfloor and the future of work.

Want to know more about that? Check my website

I started this Substack; Cultus Praxis’ as my (not so) secret laboratory where I experiment with ideas and thoughts surrounding the recruitment and employment of interns.

‘Cultus Praxis' can be seen as the "Cultivation of Practice" or "Culture in Action." This title suggests a focus on the practical implementation of cultural values and the development of talent through real-world exposure.

Viewing the labor market through the prism of internships, I experiment with metaphors, analogies, references, and striking similarities in all that I encounter. Here, you will not find simplistic 'five tips to...' articles; instead, this space is dedicated to contemplations, ideas, and reflections in which I explore the intricacies of mentorship and the dynamics of workplace learning.

By diverging into all kinds of sideways and by weaving together different perspectives I hope a new, more nuanced perspective will emerge on how internships can serve as a microcosm for broader economic and social dynamics in society and in the workplace. And as a great investment in recruitment, onboarding, employer branding and retention.

If you know what you are doing, that is.

Join me as I channel my inner Jacques Cousteau and dive into the myriad ways that internships can influence, challenge, and enrich both the individual and the collective fabric of our work environments. 👌🏽

I hope it gives you valuable insights, new ideas, or just a fun read.


I also have another substack. It’s my weekly newsletter on (guess what) internships. It’s called ‘Werf Slim’ (‘Recruit Smart’) and it’s in Dutch.

Subscribe to Maarten Brand

Saving the world from bad internships since 2001. Explores the art of workplace learning and internships through the lens of art, science, philosophy, and (popular) culture.


Thinks and writes about internships.